Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 16. Ulusal Kongresi, Erzurum, Turkey, 13 - 15 October 2016, pp.321-329
The response of piled-structures under earthquake loading is influenced by the interaction
within soil, foundation system embedded in ground, and superstructure (“SFSI” soilfoundation-structure interaction). These interaction effects are typically classified into two
distinct categories, namely inertial and kinematic. During an earthquake, the soil medium
vibrates the piles and the superstructure, and the accelerated/mobilized masses of the piles
and superstructure shake the soil back when inertial interaction is significant. Kinematic
interaction, on the other hand, is the collective term given to the effects of the rigidity of
piles, which usually is significantly larger than that of the soil, leading to alterations in the
incoming seismic waves. Generally, in designing pile supported structures, soil-pile
interaction is ignored and the structure system is analyzed assuming the superstructure
rests on a rigid base or using factored motions obtained from free-field site response
analysis. However, pile foundations embedded into the ground resist soil displacements
emanating from dynamic loading, such as an earthquake, and change the response of the
surrounding soil. In this study, the effect of presence of a single pile on foundation input
motion used in seismic design is investigated parametrically for clayey soils by using a
numerical model based on finite elements method with an advanced soil constitutive soil
model (hypoplastic). Additionally, the performance of pile foundations under seismic loads
is examined