Vibration Characteristics of Komurhan Highway Bridge Constructed with Balanced Cantilever Method

Bayraktar A., Altunışık A. C., SEVİM B., Tuerker T., Domaniç A., Taş Y.

JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES, vol.23, no.2, pp.90-99, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Komurhan Highway Bridge is a reinforced concrete box girder bridge located on the 51st km of Elazig-Malatya Highway over the Firat River. Because of the fact that the Komurhan Bridge is the only bridge in this part of Firat, it has major logistical importance. So, this paper aims to determine dynamic characteristics such as natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios of the bridge using experimental measurements and finite-element analyses to evaluate current behavior. The experimental measurements are carried out by ambient vibration tests under traffic loads. Due to the expansion joint in the middle of the bridge, special measurement points are selected and experimental test setups are constituted. Vibration data are gathered from the both box girder and bridge deck. Measurement time, frequency span, and effective mode number are determined by considering similar studies and literature. The peak picking method in the frequency domain is used for the output-only modal identification. An analytical modal analysis is performed on the developed two- and three-dimensional finite-element model of the bridge using SAP2000 software to provide the analytical frequencies and mode shapes. At the end of the study, dynamic characteristics of the Elazig and Malatya parts of the bridge obtained from the experimental measurements are compared with each other and transverse effects on the bridge are determined. Also, experimental and analytical dynamic characteristics are compared. Good agreement is found between dynamic characteristics in the all measurement test setups performed on the box girder and bridge deck and analytical modal analyses.