Turkish Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS, vol.1, no.2, pp.125-136, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Turkey's existing cadastral system consists of two primary components. These are title recordings and cadastral recordings. Immovables are registered to the title in three ways: land, independent section and permanent rights. The third dimension on land and real estate is registered in title with right, restriction and responsibility (RRR is as permanent rights). On the other hand, the Turkish cadastral system allows real estate to be registered temporarily. A real estate property is registered to the existing cadastral system with transaction date and time. Thus, any transaction can be monitored over time temporarily. Therefore, the results of the study contribute to the literature by examining the scope of the Turkish legal system with a 3D cadastre. Besides, the RRR legal system with time aspect in the Turkish cadastral system is modelled based on the ISO 19152:2012 LADM. In this context, the paper consists of five main chapters. In section 1, the literature on 3D cadastre and LADM is given. The methodology of the study is described in section 2. Chapter 3 discusses 3D RRR scope of the evaluations regarding the legal objects in Turkey. Besides, time data and RRR are incorporated into Chapter 3. Sections 4 and 5 include discussion and recommendations