Establishment of Yıldız Technical University Permanent GNSS Station, Analysis and Presentation of the data

Gülal V. E., Aykut N. O., Akpınar B., Tiryakioğlu İ., Dindar A. A., Erdoğan H.

International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems 2013, ISGNSS-2013, İstanbul, Turkey, 23 - 25 October 2013, pp.52

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.52
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Today, fast and high precision geodetic position determination is possible by the means of Global Navigation

and Satellite Systems (GNSS). Since the permanent GNSS stations have begun to operating, high

precision relative positioning is very easy issue in our country and all over the world. The importance of

permanent GNSS stations around the world is increasing day by day. Permanent GNSS stations in our

country are becoming increasingly important in recent years. Because they are used as a reference for

purposes in the different engineering studies, such as determination of crustal movements, movements

of underground water resources engineering studies. TUSAGA-AKTİF / CORS-TR system which was

completed and became operational May 2009 is the biggest example of this. In this study, information

about the permanent GNSS station which is being established in order to contribute geodetic studies at

Yildiz Technical University, Department of Geomatic Engineering is given. Processing the collected GNSS

data in pack of 24-hour, time series analysis and the stabilization works of the station is aimed by using

this permanent GNSS station. However, by providing the real-time correction data, creating support for

the RTK GNSS applications in near surroundings of the Yildiz Technical University for the academic and

educational purposes is aimed.