Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Fifteenth National Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 16 October 2014, pp.603-611
This paper presents the performance assessment of Rammed Aggregate Pier® (RAP)
system used as a ground improvement solution under a 60 kPa of surface loading founded
on hydraulic fill and soft to medium stiff clays. All RAP elements were constructed to a
final diameter of 50 cm with lengths of 16m and spacing of 1,5m to improve liquefaction
mitigation, bearing capacity, settlement responses and accelerate the time rate of settlement
(i.e.: consolidation) at the project site. The ultimate consolidation settlement is evaluated
based on the observed settlement by using Asaoka, 1978 method. Settlement predictions
are compared with actual measurements, which revealed that the RAP improved
foundation soils have an increased bearing capacity, decreased compressibility compared
to the unimproved site and minimized the differantial settlements.