3D cadastral standard definition and development using international standards for Turkey cadastral system

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Alkan M., Gürsoy Sürmeneli H.

HKM Jeodezi Jeoinformasyon Arazi Yönetimi Dergisi, vol.7, pp.70-85, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


In the last twenty years, cadastral definitions and terminology have been changed all over the world. For this reason, the two dimensional (2D) cadastral terminology has changed to the three dimensional (3D) cadastral context. The 2014 cadastral declarations do not utterly cover the 3D data model. In these contexts, some international standards have been developed for the cadastral process. LADM is to establish a common ontology for rights, responsibilities and restrictions (RRR) affecting the land administration and its geometric components. The other standards are the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) cadastral data themes that are compatible with the LADM data model. However, the INSPIRE cadastral parcels only deal with the geometric part of the cadastral data. Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) conducts parallel works with ISO / TC 211 committee (ISO/TC 211 is a standard technical committee which is studied areas of digital geographic information and geomatics). OGC within its structure, ISO / TC211 and data standards are similar and compatible. ISO / TC 211 identify high-level and non-direct data models for geographic information producers and users. In this context, the Geo-Marking Language (GML) developed by OGC is a language that enables modelling, storage and sharing of the 3D geometry. Also, it covers the attributes information of geographic objects according to the XML schema. The motivation of the study is to create a standard for a 3D cadastral data model for Turkey by integrating standards with superior and different characteristics. The most important contributions of the study are the evaluation of the Turkish cadastral system within the scope of international standards (especially LADM) and demonstrating the comparability in the international platform. Another contribution is that the legal dimension of the cadastral system is modelled with international standards, and a model proposal is made for 3D cadastral data.