The Effect of the Course Applications on Students' Attitudes and Achievements in the Museum Environment in Social Studies

Sağdıç M., Almak K.

II. Uluslararası Coğrafya Eğitimi Kongresi, Eskişehir, Turkey, 3 - 05 October 2019, pp.105-107

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Eskişehir
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.105-107
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Museums are dynamic learning areas accompanied by basic educational theories through exhibitions, objects, environment, neighbourhood, human-centered and interdisciplinary nature. Museum education provides the opportunity to benefit from priority resources for the learning of individuals at every grade level and provides the opportunity of seeing and examining, even touching learning, entertaining, increasing the enthusiasm of learning with curiosity and excitement; providing emotional experiences; the link between yesterday and tomorrow; It is an educational phenomenon that gives many opportunities for education not only in the museum but also outside the museum.

The aim of this study is to measure the effect of course applications on students' attitudes and achievements in museum environment; to reveal the effectiveness of museums in learning in the context of past, present and future. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used together in the study. According to the results obtained by applying pre-test and post-test techniques to the experimental and control groups; while the success rate was lower in the control group, the success rate was significantly higher in the experimental group. The success of the experimental group was due to the presence of students in different educational settings, the interesting aspect of the museum and the sufficient educational space, and the presence of guidance and promotional services in the museum. Furthermore, significant changes were observed in the attitudes and behaviors of the students after the museum visits; In this context, it was observed that students' motivation towards learning increased. Students have developed a sense of time and space. It has been observed that students' artistic taste, creative and logical thinking and imagination develop. It was seen that students started to synthesize by trying to produce new knowledge with what they have learned and to establish a relationship between historical events and objects of life in the past period. In addition, it was observed that the students were more open to learning in the museum environment and their curiosity feelings were higher than the classroom environment. According to the findings obtained in this study, whether the economic opportunities are sufficient in organizing the museum trips, not having the trip program well organized, the shortage of time and official procedures have emerged as important problems. Museums are an effective school and extracurricular education environment as they enable students to learn by living. For this reason, the active use of museums for educational purposes should become more widespread. In addition, due to its direct impact on education and training, cooperation between the Ministry of National Education and related institutions is recommended for the development of museum and museum education.

Keywords: Teaching Social Studies, Museum Education, Student, Academic Success.