A Conceptual Framework for Stages of Regenerative Built Environments

Darçın P.

in: Architectural Sciences and Building & Construction, Murat Dal,Gizem Dinç, Editor, İksad Yayınevi, Ankara, pp.59-83, 2022

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Publisher: İksad Yayınevi
  • City: Ankara
  • Page Numbers: pp.59-83
  • Editors: Murat Dal,Gizem Dinç, Editor
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Regenerative sustainability can guide the process of reforming a new relationship between systems of human and nature in which built environments can be the key component of this partnership.  In order to address the scarcity of proper support tools, this study aims to constitute a framework. The research firstly examines the properties of a built environment with regenerative aspects in order to reveal key principles and knowledge. Framework is organized as a conceptual guidance tool based on the systematization of these acquisitions. Process begins with a pre-design stage including an integrated analysis where all key elements are understood with the aim of procreating outcomes to distinguish built environment’s catalysis role. Based upon pre-design outcomes, target-oriented decisions can be produced for all stages. Evaluating the aspects of these decisions can initiate a prosperous feedback and feed-forward cycle. Tasks and relations are positioned into a model and by this way it can be possible to re-organize thinking systems and to supply a strategic guidance for different case-specific experiences. As an alternative to current research context, it is believed that interactive stages of the framework organized in a symbiotic cooperation can serve to fill the stated scarcity. By examining the significance of the whole process through interactions of phases and proposing an approach for their systematic regulation, built environments can be designed as healthy ecosystems.