Utilization of Blast Furnace Flue Dust as Reductant for Iron Nugget Production

Creative Commons License

Birol B.

4th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation (MSNG2017), Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 28 June 2017, pp.102

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Sarajevo
  • Country: Bosnia And Herzegovina
  • Page Numbers: pp.102
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


During iron and steel production, large amounts of solid wastes generally containing unreacted raw materials like coke and iron bearing minerals occur. One of these values, blast furnace flue dust, can be used as an appropriate raw material for iron production due to its both iron oxide and free carbon content. Unfortunately, due to its high carbon content it cannot be used in traditional pellet production. Therefore, the utilization of blast furnace dust in alternative ironmaking technologies where the high pellet compression strength isn’t required, like composite pellets. The composite pellets contain iron oxide bearing raw materials, carbonaceous materials like coke, coal, etc. and binder. Reduction of composite pellets at 1350-1450 °C in a rotary hearth furnace results with the product, iron nuggets, which have a similar chemical composition as pig iron.  

In the present study, self-reducing composite briquettes containing various amounts of flue dust and magnetite concentrate were prepared. Then the briquettes were reduced in a tube furnace at 1350-1400 and 1450 °C for 20 minutes to obtain iron nugget, which is a by-product that forms from molten metal and slag separately. The slag and metallic parts of the nugget was weighed and reduction ratio of the nuggets were calculated. Additionally, the carbon contents of the products were determined by dry combustion technique. According to the results, pellets containing flue dust lower than 50% could form an iron nugget and increasing flue dust in the mix increased carbon contents of the produced iron nuggets.