ZEMİN MEKANİĞİ VE GEOTEKNİK MÜHENDİSLİĞİ 17. ULUSAL KONFERANSI, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 - 28 September 2018, vol.3, pp.1273-1283
There is a need to determine the dynamic properties of soil in order to be able to do
accurate numerical modelling of the response of soil to earthquake loading. The response
of soil to dynamic loading is generally defined by one dimensional analyzes therefore shear
modulus and damping ratio properties of soil are required. Even though there are curves in the literature defined by various researchers for the relationship between dynamic
properties of soil and shear strain it would be more accurate and ideal if we use curves
which represents real site conditions. In this study it is aimed to determine the dynamic
properties of a large scale engineering fill by series of cyclic simple shear experiment in the
laboratory. In accordance with this purpose samples obtained by drilling from construction
site of an embankment were used. In the laboratory constant volume controlled cyclic
simple shear tests were conducted on these samples for various cyclic stress ratios
(CSR= τ/σv’) in order to determine the effect of plasticity index on relationship between
dynamic properties and shear strain to be used in seismic response analysis.
Keywords: Compacted Soil, Dynamic Simple Shear, Shear Modulus, Damping Ratio