2nd GLOBAL CONFERENCE on ENGINEERING RESEARCH, İstanbul, Turkey, 7 - 11 September 2022, pp.298-308
The high-density urban settings of today are subject to tremendous delays,
congestion, and vehicular emissions. One of the fundamental tools of transportation
authorities to tackle such issues is to increase the share of public transport in the urban
networks. Although new investments in public transportation systems may be the first
solution that comes to mind, another approach is to improve the quality of public
transportation service through Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications. One of
the emerging methodologies in this context is regulating the intersections by giving priority to
public transit vehicles. Such applications are referred to as Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
applications. In this work, which was summarized, it is presented a microsimulation-based
methodology for assessing the effects of public transit signal priority applications on service
quality. The proposed methodology is tested through a real-world case study in Istanbul.
Results indicate a %19, %12, and 30% decrease in delays for cars, heavy goods vehicles, and
buses, respectively.