The Risk of Occupational Safety and Health in Shipbuilding Industry in Turkey


3rd International Conference on Maritime and Naval Science and Engineering, Constanta, Romania, 3 - 05 September 2010, pp.178-180 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • City: Constanta
  • Country: Romania
  • Page Numbers: pp.178-180
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Shipbuilding industry is one of the oldest and the heaviest production industries all over the world. Then are several production processes which result in hazardous waste and pollutants to the environmental safety and health With over 40 shipyards, Tuzla Bay is one of the areas with highest density of industrial establishments in Istanbul. Ship building and ship repair industry is known as a heavy industrial zone. Production processes are variable and complicated. During this study, all processes are investigated in detail and all wastes and residues are described with effects to workers health and safety. In this paper, the actual data of accidents and illnesses from Turkish production industry, shipyard industry and a spotted shipyard are given in details to see the current status. Turkish shipyard should get environmental protection and workers safety and health issues together under ISO 9000, ISO 14000 an OHSAS 18000 all together.