1. INTERNATIONAL ULUDAĞ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS, Bursa, Türkiye, 15 - 16 Temmuz 2023, ss.471-480
Due to the global climate crisis, the interest in renewable energy sources is increasing day by day. There has been
a trend towards alternative energy sources for electricity generation as a result of the storage problems of fossil
fuels and their environmental effects. On the other hand, solar energy is the most popular type of energy among
these sources because it is clean and easily available. The most important parameters that enable the conversion
of solar energy into electrical energy are solar radiation and ambient temperature. Solar power plants can
generate maximum power under high solar radiation and low ambient temperature. However, it is unfortunately
not possible to catch these environmental conditions in every region and to keep these values constant. For this
reason, it is important to evaluate the power generation of photovoltaic (PV) plants, especially under low
radiation, and to integrate them into the grid. This study presents the evaluation of the power generation behavior
of PV plants depending on the ambient temperature at the values of instantaneous solar radiation between 0-1
kW/m2. In the study, instantaneous solar radiation (W/m2) and ambient temperature (°C) data, which have been
measured by the meteorology station located in Hakkari province, have been used. The study has been carried out
by considering the PV system model with a total installed power of 100 kW in Matlab/Simulink environment.
The results of this study are expected to increase the awareness of the potential of renewable energy in Hakkari
and surrounding provinces and provide a valuable reference regarding the optimum use of solar PV system in the
energy sector. In the future researches, it is aimed to evaluate the PV system under real operating conditions.