International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS), vol.5, no.10, pp.106-111, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
As well as being three maximum entropy distributions, uniform, exponential and normal distributions have different properties in terms of censorization. Uniform distribution is censored from two sides . Exponential distribution is censored from below, whereas the normal distribution is uncensored. In this study, Shannon entropies of order sta-tistics from uniform, exponential and normal distributions are considered.It has been found that entropies of order statistics are some functions of the entropies of parent distributions.They are also functions of sample size, and order of the statistic. Entropy estimates are then compared with standard deviations of order statistics. It has been detected that for order statistics of censored distributions, like uniform or exponential distribution; as the two measures of uncertainty; standard deviation, and entropy do not convey the same information, i.e., they are not positively correlated.This is probably because the lowest and/or highest order statistics do not show high variability due to censorization. For uncensored distributions like the normal distribution, entropy and standard deviation are positively correlated as expected a priori. Therefore in case of censorization using entropy statistics may not be appropriate to measure uncertainty or variability of order statistics.