Turkish Journal of Engineering, cilt.7, sa.1, ss.49-55, 2023 (Scopus)
This study investigates the effects of variable queue lengths and green times on discharge flow rates at real-time managed intersections in Mersin, Turkey. For this purpose, traffic flow data were collected at two different signalized intersections during morning peak hours for two days. The traffic data including the time headways, queue lengths for each cycle were derived from video records via MATLAB coding while the signal timing data were obtained from Mersin Metropolitan Municipality. The impact of variable queue lengths and green times on discharge flow rate were evaluated separately via analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests. The results indicated that time headways of the first vehicles in the queue were statistically larger than the time headways of the remaining vehicles in the queue (p-value<0.05). On the other hand, the time headways of the remaining vehicles in the queue were not found statistically different at 95 confidence level (p-value>0.05). Furthermore, the effect of the variable green time on discharge flow rate revealed that the significant difference was only observed for the first twelve seconds of the green time.