Cognitive theories of learning on virtual science laboratories

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Kapıcı H. Ö., Akçay H.

in: Education Research Highlights in Mathematics, Science and Technology 2019, Mack Shelly,S. Ahmet Kiray, Editor, ISRES Publishing, Iowa, pp.107-126, 2019

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Publisher: ISRES Publishing
  • City: Iowa
  • Page Numbers: pp.107-126
  • Editors: Mack Shelly,S. Ahmet Kiray, Editor
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Fundamental cognitive theories of learning about multimedia-based learning discussed in this chapter focus on the specific working system of the human brain. In order to encourage an individual to have permanent learning, each theory proposes definite ways to decrease the cognitive load on working memory. Besides, it is seen that theories are interrelated and compatible with each other. Based on the facts derived from the theories, firstly, it is suggested that researchers should provide more data about the conditions for meaning learning by using the theories. Secondly, teachers should take consider the ways discussed in cognitive learning theories while organizing their teaching approach and environments. Thirdly, multimedia developers should pay attention to the theories in their products.