AICA Online International Conference 2020 “Artworld, Reflexes and Alternative New World”, 25 November 2020
This study aims to analyse the contributions of art to the interpersonal collectivity during the mandatory quarantine times from multiple perspectives. In this context, this study focuses on the “Stay Apart Together” series of Spencer Tunick, who has many works in relation to the nudity of human body and its view in public sphere. The artist has recently carried his artwork, which used to be staged in public places with many participants, to online platforms due to COVİD-19 pandemic. Also, he brings together people who are in isolation by means of video conference in this series. Due to the necessity of physical distance during the pandemic, people from all around the world are put together with the help of technology, participants performed the same bodily actions at the same time in these video conferences. As different from Tunick’s previous nude projects performed in the public sphere, participants connect from their private places and become a part of the artwork with the view they make. The resulting photo collages turn into a manifestation of the participants’ privacy hence publicize the private places and privacy of the participants. In this sense, Tunick’s “Stay Apart Together” series pave the way to interpret body, nudity and privacy concepts within the scope of the concurrence of “self-isolation and art”.
Keywords: Art, Privacy, Self-isolation, Body