32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBC 10), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 30 August - 04 September 2010, pp.1840-1843
Early and accurate detection of asymptomatic emboli is important for monitoring of preventive therapy in stroke-prone patients. One of the problems in detection of emboli is the identification of an embolic signal caused by very small emboli. The amplitude of the embolic signal may be so small that advanced processing methods are required to distinguish these signals from Doppler signals arising from red blood cells. In this study instead of conventional discrete wavelet transform, the Dual Tree Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform was used for denoising embolic signals. Performances of both approaches were compared. Unlike the conventional discrete wavelet transform discrete complex wavelet transform is a shift invariant transform with limited redundancy. Results demonstrate that the Dual Tree Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform based denoising outperforms conventional discrete wavelet denoising. Approximately 8 dB improvement is obtained by using the Dual Tree Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform compared to the improvement provided by the conventional Discrete Wavelet Transform (less than 5 dB).