International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, vol.12, no.4, pp.123-146, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Digital citizenship is a concept revealed by the rapid development of information and
communication technologies. Digital citizenship is to be able to join the community online. This
study was conducted to reveal the digital citizenship status of social studies teachers and pre-service
social studies teachers. The study was conducted in the 2018-2019 academic year and an exploratory
mixed research method was used. The study group consisted of 1041 people, including 512 social
studies teachers and 529 pre-service social studies teachers in the quantitative dimension, 16 social
studies teachers and 8 pre-service social studies teachers were interviewed in the direction of the
purposeful sampling in the qualitative dimension. As a data collection tool, the "Digital Citizenship
Scale" which was developed by Glassman, Choi and Cristol (2017) and adapted to Turkish by Kara
(2018) was used in the quantitative design. On the other hand, data were collected by interview
technique in the qualitative design. Quantitative data were transferred to SPSS program and
descriptive analysis, independent t-test, correlation analysis and standard multiple regression
analysis were used in the statistical analysis of the data. Qualitative data were collected using the
interview technique and the data were analyzed with content analysis. As a result of the study, when
the digital citizenship status of the participants was examined in line with the qualitative and
quantitative data, it was observed that they found themselves quite sufficient in terms of digital skills,
and they thought that online platforms increased their local/global awareness positively. The
participants were also observed to tend to be hesitant in the critical thinking dimension and to be
hesitant in cooperative internet activities and political activities. Digital citizenship status by gender
was statistically significant in the dimensions of local/global awareness, critical thinking, cooperative
internet activities and political activities in terms of gender and this was in favor of males – supported
by quallitative data -. Also, it was observed that the dimensions of digital citizenship did not show a
statistically significant difference according to the status of starting the profession. Qualitative data
showed that pre-service teachers are more active in online environments than teachers. When looked
at the connection between daily internet usage of teachers and pre-service teachers and digital
citizenship dimensions, a negative correlation was found between them.