Europan Geosciences Union General Assembly , Vienna, Austria, 7 - 12 April 2019, pp.1
At present, the tide gauges and the satellite altimetry are important two main techniques for monitoring sea
level trends and for determining the tidal constituents. The Tide gauges measure sea level relative to a ground
benchmark as a datum, therefore, their observations are affected by local vertical ground motions. Satellite
altimetry measures sea level relative to a geocentric reference and not affected by vertical land motions.
Moreover, the tidal constituents are an important parameter for making a better evaluation of variations in
the sea level due to meteorological causes. In this study, we are aimed to investigate how the tides constituents
affect determining of the sea level trends.
The linear relative sea level trends of 6 tide gauge stations distributed in the southwestern coast of Turkey
have been computed over the period 1998 – 2018. The tide gauge data were obtained from TUDES (Turkish
National Sea Level Monitoring System) data archive and satellite altimetry data were obtained from AVISO data
The sea level data have been analyzed and compared to the tides affect sea level based on the tidal model
by using the tide gauge station and satellite altimetry data sets. The tidal model belonging to each year between
2004 and 2018 is analyzed to compare the model of different years and methods and the tidal parameters and
their standard deviation determined for each year. For each year, the tidal model is created and compared previous
studies and global model such as FES2004.