July 16, 2017 Ionospheric Storms Formed in the Geomagnetic Storm Process

Bayhan C., Can Z.

Turkish Physical Society 38 the International Physics Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 31 August - 04 September 2022, pp.180

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Muğla
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.180
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The Earth ionosphere, a natural plasma, is located approximately 60 km to 1100 km above the Earth. Ionospheric storms develop due to geomagnetic storms. In this study, we looked at the changes in ionospheric parameters recorded in the stations at the central latitude and the ionospheric storms caused by the geomagnetic storm of July 16, 2017, which was formed by solar wind resulting from coronal mass ejection. The change of ionospheric parameters has a crucial role in space weather and communication. The negative ionospheric storm causes serious problems in ground-based HF radio communications, while the positive ones can cause serious problems such as time delay in satellite communication and navigation, range error and glare. In this study, the GIRO stations were confirmed and interpreted by ionospheric distribution and types via ionogram data from PQ052, RO041, VT139. Ionospheric irregularities during the geomagnetic storm were analyzed using the lower quarter-upper quadrant method