14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE2020-21), İstanbul, Turkey, 6 - 08 September 2021, pp.1032-1039
This study aims to provide finite element analysis to evaluate the cyclic behavior of fixed beam connection
around the weak-axis of the I-shaped column, which is conceived moment-resisting frame. For connecting the
beam to the weak-axis of the column, a new connection design was inspired and developed from the semi-rigid
joint configuration proposed in the literature and from the boxed W-shape section specified in the commentary
supplement of ANSI/AISC 358-16. Box-plates used to form the box section were connected to the region of the
I-shaped column section corresponding to the beam connection. As a result of the re-forming the I-shaped
column section with box-plates and the absence of continuity plates on the column web, the connection detail
gives the possibility of access and assembling the bolts properly. A total of three specimens, in which one of
them is ordinary strong-axis connection with continuity-plates, another is a strong-axis connection with boxplates, and the other is a weak-axis connection with box-plates, were modeled, and their simulations were
presented. The simulations are fulfilled using Ansys Finite Element Software. All the beams of the specimens
were connected to the I-column by a four-bolt unstiffened extended end-plate moment connection specified in
ANSI/AISC 358-16. As a result, the developed weak-axis connection with the box-plates and longitudinal ribs is
suitable for use in Special moment frames and gives the possibility of access and assembling the bolts properly.