The International Conference on Material Science and Technology in Kızılcahamam/ANKARA(IMSTEC 2019), Ankara, Turkey, 18 October 2019, pp.18
The International Conference on MateThe neutron in the nucleus is an uncharged particle with extremely high penetration and causing indirect ionization. Neutrons, which interact elastically and inelastically with the nucleus of atoms, lose their energy, especially by collisions with the nuclei of light atoms, unlike gamma and X-rays. Energy reduced particles are absorbed by materials with the high neutron cross section and removed. In this study Barite reinforced concrete matrix with boron reinforced composite samples were prepared to be used in neutron radiation shielding and neutron shielding capabilities of the obtained samples were investigated. While the hydrogen atoms in the concrete slow down the neutrons, the reinforcing material, boron, absorbs neutrons. Barite concrete also has the ability to shield secondary gamma rays caused by neutrons. Samples prepared in 3 different thicknesses contain 20% by weight of boron 19 mm, 38 mm and 57 mm were studied against Am-Be neutron source having 2 Ci activity. As a result of these studies, it was seen that as the thickness ratio of composite material increased, the shielding ratio increased. Counting results shows that the 69% shield ratio captured in the 19 mm specimen increased to 75% in the 38mm specimen and 81% in the 57 mm specimen.rial Science and Technology in Kızılcahamam/ANKARA(IMSTEC 2019)