The Determination of the Boron Amounts of Teas That Are Sold In Turkey by Using the ICP-OES Technique


World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2010), London, Canada, 30 June - 02 July 2010, pp.2277-2279 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: London
  • Country: Canada
  • Page Numbers: pp.2277-2279
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Tea refers to the agricultural products of the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of Camellia sinensis, prepared and cured by various methods. "Tea" also refers to the aromatic beverage prepared from such cured leaves by combination with hot or boiling water and is the colloquial name for the Camellia sinensis plant itself. Tea is the most widely-consumed beverage after water. It has a cooling, slightly bitter, astringent flavor. The four types of tea most commonly found on the market (in descending order of oxidation) are black tea, oolong tea, green tea and white tea, all of which can be made from the same bushes, processed differently, and in the case of fine white tea, grown differently.