The Effect of Inlet Blade AngleVariation on Cavitation Performance of a CentrifugalPump: A Parametric Study

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Dönmez A. H., Yumurtacı Z., Kavurmacıoğlu L.

Journal Of Fluids Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme, vol.141, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)


The aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of inlet blade angles on cavitation

performance in a centrifugal pump. In order to reveal this relationship, both hub and

shroud blade angles are considered and a two-phase three-dimensional computational

fluid dynamics (CFD) study is carried out. Shear stress transport (SST) turbulence and

Rayleigh–Plesset cavitation models are used in simulations. Inlet blade angles for both

hub and shroud are changed and pump performance (head-discharge) and cavitation

(head-inlet pressure) graphs are obtained for eight different designs. Afterward, numerical

cavitation tests are conducted, required net positive suction head values of the each

design are calculated, and variations are demonstrated. Results show that hub and

shroud blade angle variations have no significant effect on the pump characteristic

curves excluding for shroud blade angle at high discharge values. However, cavitation

performance of the pump is excessively affected for both hub and shroud blade angle

alterations. Increasing hub blade angle has slightly negative effect on cavitation performance

of the pump. On the other hand, while increasing shroud blade angle from 20 deg to

30 deg have positive effect on cavitation performance, it is negatively affected from

30 deg to 50 deg. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4040557]