Analysis of marine accidents in the Marmara Sea and Dardanels via web based GIS

Gümüşay M. Ü., Önal Ö.


  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Özet Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: İstanbul
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.1
  • Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


ABSTRACT: Over the last 50 years, marine accidents have been analyzed by various researchers and institutions around the world using different methods such as FTA, AHP, Root Cause, Decision Tree and risk assessment of these accidents. Along with all the studies, even tough measures taken for maritime safety have an impact on minimizing the number of these accidents, they still occur. Turkey Maritime’s territory particularly İstanbul and Çanakkale (Marmara Sea and in Straight of Dardanels) regions have become very risky areas in terms of life, property and environmental safety due to the increasing ship traffic. In this study, the analysis of the marine accidents occurring in these two regions has been performed. In addition, the measures to be taken to reduce these accidents were evaluated and possible solutions were presented. It is aimed to establish a WEB-based Geographic Information System to be able to minimize marine accidents considering the risk assessment. For this purpose, the design of the layers (depth points, lighthouses, traffic ship routes etc.) and their features have been obtained. Maps of the study area were obtained from the department of Navigational Hydrography and ceanography were digitized. Marine accident reports of the of the cases occurred between the years of 2003 and 2016 were obtained from AAKKM (Main Search and Rescue Coordination Center). The data related to the reason and accident types, the name of ship, flag state, size of ships and location of the accident was analyzed. Altitude and latitude data of the location where the accidents occurred was transferred into the system (GIS). Other data was identified as attributes. All the significant statistical data were interpreted on maps and graphs. Having these analyzes, a main source has been obtained for AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process) which is a multi-purpose decision making method to be used in future studies. Anyone who wants to take advantage of the created system only needs to have the internet connection and Web browser. Thus, it will provide access to the system for the users during the navigation. The ArcCatalog and ArcMap modules of ESRI's software ArcGIS were used in the preparation of the system. ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Online software were used while broadcasting the system through the internet.

Keywords: Marine accidents, Web based GIS, Accident analysis