Archnet-IJAR, vol.7, no.2, pp.282-296, 2013 (Scopus)
The international workshop "Golden Horn Urban Rehabilitation, Reinventing a ProductiveLandscape" was hosted at Istanbul Kültür University (IKU), Turkey, during the dates ofthe 4th to 11th July 2011. It counted with the bilateral collaboration of Istanbul KültürUniversity (IKU), Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Instituto Superior Manuel TeixeiraGomes (ISMAT), in Portugal and Studiomeb. The case study was located in the estuaryarea of Golden Horn, in Istanbul, and it was centred in the neighbourhoods of Balat,Fener and Hasköy, which are in an advanced process of urban and architectonicdegradation. The paper presents our educative research methodology inside the program GreenEngines, developed during three years of continuous collaboration, and shows theresults of our international research cooperation in this specific case study. Ourpedagogic research method uses the principles of landscape urbanism, landscapeplanning, and environmental planning. Our research aim, specifically for this workshopwas to educate students on the professional responsibility to create new sustainableplanning alternatives for urban rehabilitation in deteriorated urban areas, and specifically,in the case study of Golden Horn in Istanbul. Our research questions were centred in howto preserve and protect the multicultural and multifunctional character of Golden Horn,evaluating its built and socio-cultural heritage, together with how to regenerate thephysical urban tissue, reinventing a new productive landscape. Our research statementconsidered that to achieve a sustainable urban rehabilitation, it was necessary that theplanning proposals should adapt to the cultural landscape and the local environment,creating a multifunctional character with different actors involved in the same urbancontext© 2013 Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research.