Subjective Time, Emotions, and Job Autonomy in Remote Work Settings

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Yalçınyiğit S.

5th International Aegean Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities, İzmir, Turkey, 25 - 26 February 2022, pp.530-537

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: İzmir
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.530-537
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The effects of subjective perceptions on employee performance and indirectly on organizational outcomes have taken their place in the management literature for a long time. Many management studies are carried out in objective temporal dominance and how subjective time perceptions affect employees' attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors towards employee outcomes is overlooked. In today’s business world, where remote work has become a new form of work rather than a pandemic necessity (Covid-19), more effort is required by the employees to manage time effectively. Controlling time in physical spaces outside the office, such as home where role conflict is likely to arise, has become a desirable work related ability. In this paper, the overshadowed role of time perceptions in the management literature on individual and organizational outcomes is addressed. Besides, the effects of positive and negative emotional states based subjective time perceptions on the experience of job autonomy in remote work setting are discussed. Considering the role of subjective time in job autonomy and performance research, propositions for future research are developed in the remote work context. In order to increase the performance of the employees in the remote working settings, the practicel reflections of the time experience are highlighted as well.

Keywords: Subjective time, emotions, job autnomy, remote work