Soliton solutions for a nonlinear dynamical system in conformable sense

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Seçer A., Bayram M., Çınar M., Esen H., Önder İ.

International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, İstanbul, Turkey, 31 October - 06 November 2022, pp.133

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.133
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


We consider nonlinear complex generalized Zakharov dynamical system with conformable derivative in this study. The proposed model is utilized in plasma physics. Conformable fractional derivative is used to acquire more comprehensive analytical solutions. Analytical solutions for the presented equation are produced with the help of the Sardar subequation approach which is an effective and useful method. We depict various 3D and 2D graphs in order to investigate the behavior of the obtained solitons. Especially, to examine the effect of the unknown parameters to behavior, 2D plots are represented for different values of parameters.