BILIG, no.69, pp.161-170, 2014 (SSCI)
The Tahtaci is a subgroup with their idiosyncratic traditions within the Alewi community. In general they live in the western and southern parts of Turkey. They are called Tahtaci because they make a living on timber works and forestry. Even though some research has been conducted on the community, no concrete data has been gathered on the Tahtaci people, who live in Bayindir, a district 70 km east of Izmir. Mainly residing in the Hatay neighborhood in Bayindir, the Tahtaci people call themselves Turkmens. Their language is distinctive regarding the use of Turkish, particularly in terms of vocabulary and phonetics. This distinctive use of language is heavily influenced by their beliefs and lifestyles. As a result, we have compiled some data on the Tahtaci of Bayindir and dealt with the distinctive characteristics of their language. Our research is based on the materials compiled during the field study we conducted in July 2010.