5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), Barcelona, İspanya, 1 - 03 Temmuz 2013, ss.2474-2480
This paper covers a research on children workshops about "architecture", which are organized by private museums in Turkey. In this context, 3 private foundation museums in Istanbul have been taken. These museums are "Istanbul Modern", "Sabanci Museum", "Koc Museum". The activities of Koc Museum about "architecture" are "The Architect Sinan's Secret" (practicing how to construct a simple archway), which has been created for the activity "Colorful Mathematical World-Learn and Have Fun", "Can You Build Leonardo's Halic Bridge" (building a model bridge out of wooden elements) and "Puzzle" activities (bringing different geometrical objects together to complete a whole figure). The activity "Here Comes the Sun", offers school children the opportunity to design energy-saving model houses and bring these together to build the power city of tomorrow. The museum Istanbul Modern offers children the architectural activity "Designing Spaces for Domestic Animals". In this activity, children are asked to design houses for their real or virtual pets-cats and animals-with the materials given. The key activity of Sabanci Museum about "architecture" is related to an exhibition named "Legendary Istanbul: From Byzantine to Istanbul - 8000 Years of a Capital". In this exhibition, children are given information by expert guides about the rich cultural heritage of Istanbul, the capital of Byzantine and Ottoman Empire, and then at a workshop they are asked to draw pictures about Istanbul.