3D FEM analysis of a buckling delamination of a piezoelectric sandwich rectangular plate with interface edge cracks

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4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Madrid, Spain, 09 July 2018, pp.50

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Madrid
  • Country: Spain
  • Page Numbers: pp.50
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In this work a buckling delamination problem for a sandwich PZT/Metal/PZT rectangular thick plate with interface rectangular edge cracks is investigated within the scope of the piecewise homogeneous body model. It is assumed that on the interface planes between the core and face layers out of cracks the perfect contact conditions are satisfied. Also assume that this plate is subjected to bi-axial uniformly-distributed compressive forces acting on two edge surfaces and on the upper and lower surface and, also cracks surfaces of the plate neither mechanical nor electrical loads act. In addition, all the lateral surfaces of the plate is simply supported mechanically and also grounded for the PZT layers' surface only. Apart from all this it is assumed that the cracks edges have infinitesimal initial imperfections and due to action of the aforementioned compressive forces the evolution of these imperfections are investigated by the use of the three-dimensional geometrical non-linear exact equations of the theory of electro-elasticity. The solution to the corresponding boundary value problems are presented in the series form with respect to the small parameter which characterizes the degree of the initial imperfection and as in [1-5] it is established that the zeroth and the first approximations are enough for determination of the critical forces under which the mentioned initial imperfections grow indefinitely and approach infinity. Also, it is established that the field equations and relations regarding the first approximation coincide with the corresponding ones of the 3D linearized theory of stability for piezoelectric bodies. The results related to the zeroth approximation are determined analytically within the scope linear theory of electro elasticity for piezoelectric bodies. However, the results related to the first approximation, consequently the results related to the critical forces, are determined numerically by employing the 3D finite element method (3D-FEM). Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Research Fund of the Yildiz Technical University. Project Number: 2016-07-03-DOP03. Keywords: Buckling-delamination, piezoelectric material, 3D FEM Recent Publications 1. Akbarov S.D. (2013) Stability Loss and Buckling Delamination: Three-Dimensional Linearized Approach for Elastic and Viscoelastic Composites. Springer. Heidelberg, New York. 2. Akbarov SD, Yahnioglu N, Karatas EE. (2010) Buckling delamination of a rectangular plate containing a rectangular crack and made from elastic and viscoelastic composite materials. Int. J. Solid. Struc. 47:3426-3434. 3. Akbarov S.D., Yahnioglu N. (2013) Buckling delamination of a sandwich plate-strip with piezoelectric face and elastic core layers. Appl. Math. Model. 37: 8029 – 8038.
4. Cafarova F.I., Akbarov S.D., Yahnioglu N. (2017) Buckling delamination of the PZT/Metal/PZT sandwich circular plate-disc with penny-shaped interface cracks. Smart Struct. System. 19 (2): 163 – 179.