Journal of scientific reports-A (Online), no.52, pp.19-34, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Since pH neutralization processes have extremely nonlinear characteristics, controlling it might be difficult. Therefore, a special controller design is needed to handle the high nonlinearities of the process. In this study, an inverse neuro-fuzzy model-based controller (NFMBC) design is presented for control of a pH neutralization process (NP). Input-output (IO) data set of the process is collected by applying a proper excitation signal. Then, forward and inverse neuro-fuzzy models of the process are constructed by using this data set after a training process. In terms of design simplicity, a two-input-one-output model structure is chosen for both neuro-fuzzy models. These forward and inverse neuro-fuzzy models are used in a nonlinear internal model control (NIMC) structure in order to provide robustness against disturbances and model mismatches. To examine the proposed controller's performance, simulation studies are carried out under setpoint variation and disturbance conditions. Additionally, the performance of the inverse NFMBC is compared to that of a fuzzy proportional integral derivative (FPID) controller with a 7x7 rule base. The results demonstrate that the designed controller provides more effective control performance for setpoint variations and also exhibits higher robustness against disturbances in the acid flow rate than the FPID controller.