High Gain, Linear, Low Cost Digitally Controlled VHF-UHF Analog Transponder for Nano Satellites

Ceylan O., Ozen O. E., Canbey H. H., Cam Z. G., Yağcı H. B.

3rd Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC), Seoul, South Korea, 5 - 08 November 2013, pp.1027-1029 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/apmc.2013.6695013
  • City: Seoul
  • Country: South Korea
  • Page Numbers: pp.1027-1029
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: No


Nano satellites are generally developed by universities for scientific researches because of low design cost and time. On the other hand a nano satellite has small power and limited volume; therefore there are several restrictions for circuit design. In this project, a digitally controlled VHF to UHF analog transponder is presented for nano satellites. System has -115 dBm receive sensitivity. Output power is 1W at 437.225 MHz with +/-35 kHz narrow bandwidth. Transponder is controlled by a microcontroller to keep output power stable as 30 dBm (1W) with +/-1.5dB ripple. Circuit size is 9x9 cm(2) and includes a metal shield. System was tested under space conditions such as vacuum and very high temperature changes. System is pin to pin compatible with other commercial nano satellite devices' bus structures.