NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER; PART A: APPLICATIONS, vol.85, no.13, pp.2069-2095, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
The control and improvement of heat transfer in enclosures is very impor-tant in several engineering applications. In the current two-dimensionalnumerical study, the mixed convection and entropy generation of waterflowing inside a square vented enclosure that contains four vibrating cylin-ders with relatively low frequencies fr=1, 2, 3, 5 Hz in the vertical andhorizontal directions are reported. The effects of Reynolds and Richardsonnumbers, vibration frequency, vibration amplitude, and the direction of thecylinders’vibration on heat transfer and entropy generation are presentedfor various cases. The horizontal walls of the enclosure are kept adiabaticwhile the vertical left and right walls are hot and cold, respectively. The lin-ear regression analysis was used to reveal the rate of increase in theNusselt number with the Reynolds and Richardson numbers number foreach cases. Series of analyses show that the existence and the vibration ofthe cylinders increases heat transfer but the vibration in the horizontal dir-ection is more effective since the top and bottom walls of the enclosureare adiabatic. It is found that the entropy generation due to heat transferis low at the center of the enclosure. The direct relationship between theheat transfer and both Reynolds and Richardson numbers is reported. Interms of heat transfer, it is found that the critical vibration frequency andamplitude are fr=4 and A=0.05L and 0.075L