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Uslu C. R., Berilgen M. M., Selçuk M. E.

1. Ulusal Genç Geoteknik Mühendisleri Sempozyumu, Erzurum, Turkey, 12 October 2016, pp.59-68

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Erzurum
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.59-68
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Vertical shaft excavations have been widely used in engineering applications such as metro systems, mines, pumping stations, bridge pier foundations, etc. for temporary and permanent retaining structures. Calculations of earth pressure acting on the shaft wall are generally calculated by classical earth pressure theories because of the simplicity and common-usage. Because the theories were developed for infinite walls under plane stress conditions, these theories usually calculate high pressure values for shaft excavations. Hence, conical collapse surface determination should be used in order to define lateral earth pressures along with plastic equilibrium for circular or elliptical shafts. Because of the complexity of these solutions, engineers mostly use commercial software packages developed for numerical analysis methods. While numerical methods provide more favorable results than plastic equilibrium methods based on equilibrium, cotinuity, material constitutive behavior and boundary conditions, unrealistic solutions may obtain unless they use consciously. In this study, aimed to present factors affecting earth pressures on vertical retaining wall members of circular shafts. To achieve this, numerical analyses performed for different strength parameters, wall and soil stiffness. Moreover, the earth pressure results obtained from analyses are compared to classic earth pressure theories. In conclusion, It is determined in numerical analyses that wall stiffness is an important factor and affects earth pressure distribution on shafts significantly.