Cumulus Conference: Narratives of Love, Beijing, Çin, 22 - 24 Kasım 2023, ss.842-847
Throughout the history street markets have long been regarded as essential for meeting the needs of the people and considered as the public spaces where the most intense trade was made. Bazaars were held around significant locations of the cities where the local people could easily access. By bringing together customers and sellers, bazaars facilitate shopping experience and enhance community interaction. In this sense, bazaars which have long been popular for local shopping became the places where co-creation of value emerged. With this study, it was aimed to examine how value creation has emerged in street markets nowadays. In this direction, the Hasanpasa Bazaar was chosen as a case study, because of its history of about one hundred years and bringing together different actors in one place. In order to gather data, observations and semi structured interviews were conducted with various stakeholders of the bazaar. The outcomes of the field study were examined and discussed in the scope of the social innovation framework, especially with a focus on social practice theory. At this stage, the findings of the study were categorized under three different sub-headings: (i) Being Seller in the Bazaar, (ii) Being Customer in the Bazaar, (iii) Interaction Elements in the Bazaar. Eventually, the result of the study revealed that the Hasanpasa Bazaar as a social structure, affects human activities and creates various values in the neighborhood while it emerges a new ecosystem and its own behaviors. It also showed that the bazaar as a socially constructed space, transforms the dynamics of society and maintains social bonds among people through the interactions between different stakeholders.