Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2013 (VEESD 2013) , Vienna, Avusturya, 28 - 30 Ağustos 2013, ss.1-7
Nonlinear time history analysis is more realistic method to determine the response of a structure. Selection of ground motions is important part of time history analysis, since ground motion records have significant impact on the variability of response of the structures. Although there are three basic options as selecting ground motion records; real, synthetic and artificial records, two of them were used in this study; real and artificial records. In this study, scaled to design spectrum given by Turkish Seismic Code 2007 real and artificial ground motion records were used for nonlinear time history analysis. A hypothetical six storey RC frame structure with 3 bays was used in this study. A total of 6 real ground motion was selected and scaled to design spectrum given by Turkish Seismic Code 2007. Also, a total of 6 artificial ground motion records compatible with the design spectrum were generated and used for time history analyses. The structure was modelled by using SAP2000 and nonlinear time history analyses were performed with real and artificial ground motion records. Effect of scaled real and artificial ground motion records on response of the structure was investigated and some comparisons were made about using scaled real and artificial ground motion records.