14th ESA Congress Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging, Manchester, Birleşik Krallık, 20 - 23 Ağustos 2019, ss.814
RN37_07b: Inequalities in urban space
Time: 22/Aug/2019: 4:00pm-5:30pm · Location: BS.3.20
The Effect of Urban Transformation on Senior Citizens’ Social and Economic Capital: The Case of Istanbul
Zuhal Güler1, Betül Duman2, Mustafa Otrar3, Murat Şentürk4
1Abant İzzet Baysal University, Turkey; 2Yıldız Teknik University, Turkey; 3Ministry of National Education; 4Istanbul University
The subject of this study is to reveal how the urban transformation has done publicly in Istanbul has impacted the levels of social and economic capital for individuals aged 65 and older. On this point, the questions of the extent to which and how urban transformation answers or doesn’t answer the needs and expectations of the elderly, being the most fragile, also gain importance. The senior citizens with low socioeconomic status residing in settlements that have run up against publicly-handled urban transformation increase the importance of this study because, in this way, the effects of publicly-handled urban transformation can be exposed. The purpose of this study is to explain how and why urban transformation affects which components of both senior citizens’ quality of life, as well as their social and economic capital that can be considered in connection with this, in the contexts of ageing in place, active ageing, and the phenomena of social exclusion or social integration. The universe of the study is composed of neighbourhoods in Istanbul that have run up against publicly-handled urban transformation. While the sample has been determined using the purposeful/guided sampling technique, the number of individuals who would be applied the questionnaire in the districts and related neighbourhoods that have experienced publicly-handled urban transformation has been determined using the proportionally stratified sampling technique. The quantitative data collection technique has been used as the data collection technique, and in this context, 1,800 senior citizens have been applied the questionnaire by way of direct interviews. Evaluating the data by transferring to the computer environment was performed by means of the quantitative data analysis program, SPSS.