The Third Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and its Application.Tashkent, Uzbekistan., Toskent, Özbekistan, 5 - 08 Ekim 2004, ss.171
In this paper, indoor radon concentrations obtained from the radon surveys conducted in
the some region of Turkey were presented. Radon monitoring was performed by applying a
passive, time-integrating measuring technique. For this purpose, CR-39 nuclear track
detectors were installed in dwellings for 3 months. After the monitoring period, detectors
were collected and to make the alpha tracks visible, chemical etching was applied to the
exposed detectors. Nuclear track numbers and the corresponding indoor radon concentrations
were determined. Annual effective dose equivalents and the risk probabilities caused by
indoor radon inhalation were calculated. All experimental data was presented and the results
were discussed.