Intercontinental Geoinformation Days, 25 - 26 November 2020, pp.244-247
to noise ratio (SNR) data provided by the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
receiver indicates the power of the received signal. Estimation of the
quantities related to the reflection surface by analysis of the SNR data is
called GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR). When a geodetic receiver is oriented to a
direction, it receives stronger signals from the direction it is looking. In
this study, two-day observations for a total of four days with zenith-looking
(ZL) and horizon-looking (HL) receivers were performed. The data were analyzed
comparatively in terms of amplitude and reflector height estimations. According
to the reflector height estimations, it was seen that it is more appropriate to
use HL receiver for elevation angles greater than 20°, while there is no
significant difference from low elevation angles. Furthermore, since HL
receivers receive reflected signals stronger than ZL receivers, the amplitudes
of fluctuations in SNR data are found to be higher for HL receivers. Therefore,
it can be said that it may be more appropriate to use HL receiver in GNSS-IR
studies to determine quantities such as soil moisture to which SNR amplitude is