Examination of The Ways The Materials Concerning Historic and Cultural Assets in Social Studies Textbooks are Presented

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Şeker M.

International Journal of Academic Research, vol.6, no.1, pp.157-165, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 6 Issue: 1
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Journal Name: International Journal of Academic Research
  • Journal Indexes: Other Indexes
  • Page Numbers: pp.157-165
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Textbook is the course material that is the easiest to access in practice both for students and teachers.

There are studies suggesting that the quality of the written and visual elements in textbooks directly affect the

permanence factor in learning. In the literature concerning social studies education and Social Studies Curriculum

the importance of using effective course materials for ensuring the maximum level of attainment of historic and

cultural values is emphasized. In the present study, the presentation of the historic and cultural elements in 4th,

5th, 6th and 7th grade Social Studies textbooks is examined. This is a qualitative study that used the document

review method. Within the scope of the study it was determined that the materials (pictures, photographs, figures,

texts, etc.) concerning the historic and cultural assets included in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade social studies

textbooks are not used at an effective and adequate level for realizing the attainment set forth by the curriculum

and that the elements such as pictures, photographs and figures are only given prominence in visual terms. It was

also determined that these visual materials are not supported with an adequate level of introductory and

informatory elements, and that even for the most effective visuals the informative texts are too short and

inadequate. In addition to all these, it was observed that the ways of presenting the historic and cultural elements

in the textbooks of publishers A and B are not in parallel with the intended program attainments. On the other

hand, while the topics and elements concerning historic/cultural assets are presented in 3 to 4 separate units in

the textbook of a publishing house, the same topics and elements are presented in a single unit in the textbook of

the other publishing house. Realization of an adequate level of knowledge and value attainment concerning

historic and cultural elements from textbooks, as the most important material of the learning process, is essential

in schools where planned and effective learning takes place. Accordingly, a higher level of attention to be paid by

all educational stakeholders to the preparation of educational materials, particularly of social studies textbooks

that embody historic and cultural values, and designing such materials in line with students' learning needs may

be effective in raising individuals that know their own history and culture better.