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Sağbaş B., Gürkan D.

5th International Congress on 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry 2021, Antalya, Turkey, 3 - 05 June 2021, pp.15

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.15
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a rapidly developing technology which provides opportunity to build up complex geometries due to the freedom of manufacturing. Lattice structures, three-dimensional opencelled structures composed of one or more repeating unit cells, can be produced with unique mechanical, thermal, acoustic, biomedical and electrical properties by optimization of type and dimension of unit cell and additive manufacturing parameters. Lattice structures provide lightweight and porous parts which are widely preferable in biomedical applications. Different type of lattice structures have been used for obtaining bone like implant surface to accelerate osseointegration. There are many studies in this field, but the ideal designs and dimensional accuracy of the various lattice structures for biomedical field have not been completely reached. In this study, octahedral, star and dodecahedron lattice structures with thin strut diameter were manufactured by laser powder bed fusion technology (LPBF) by Ti6Al4V powder. Cubic and plate samples were built on z-direction and their top and side surfaces were inspected in terms of topographical characteristics and dimensional accuracy by scanning electron microscope. Dimensional accuracy has been found to tend to shrinkage behavior for all lattice structures. The best dimensional accuracy was obtained from octahedral lattice structure comparing with strut diameters.