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Genç Ö., Meral H. M.

Fourth Symposium of Southern Ontario Universities on “Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: Challenges and Opportunities”, Toronto, Canada, 2 - 03 June 2023, pp.1-2

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Toronto
  • Country: Canada
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-2
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Although the constructivist approach has been on the agenda in Turkey since 1980s, it cannot be

applied to grammar teaching due to the scarcity of proper lesson models. This causes students not

to learn grammar topics appropriately. Our aim is to create a learner-centered learning process

with the PACE lesson model (Glisan&Donato, 2017) by using the methods of pedagogical

grammar (Noblitt, 1972; Keck&Kim, 2014; Tiryakiol, 2021). PACE is an acronym for the four

steps of a story-based unit of study: presentation, attention, co-construction and extension. It

includes the conscious attention of the learners to the target language from the perspective of

meaning and use. We prepare activities for teaching verbal participles, which is one of the

complicated topics of Turkish grammar, to help instructors in the classroom. We question if a

PACE based model facilitates the teaching of verbal participles in Turkish.

We make use of a qualitative and design-based method, whereby 20 activities were designed for

our purpose. These activities were sent to the expert opinion and subjected to the content analysis.

The experts consist of (i) 10 Turkish teachers with at least five years of experience, working in

middle-schools, and (ii) 10 academic faculty members who are specialists of Turkish language

teaching. The experts answered a questionnaire consisting of three questions about the activities.

We show how the activities place learners at the center of the learning process. For example, one

activity assigns students to make video-recorded interviews on grammar topics. The decoding of

the interview makes learners extend the topic into their daily life. The activities focus on the

form-function of a linguistic form as well as its proper use, but not the rule itself. Thus, it puts

theory into practice, emphasizing the applicational aspects of the learning process.

Keywords: Pedagogical grammar, participles, PACE lesson model, activity


- Glisan, E. & Donato, R. (2017). Enacting the work of language teaching: High leverage

teaching practices. Alexandria, VA: ACTFL.

- Noblitt, James S. (1972). Pedagogical Grammar: Towards a Theory of Foreign Language

Materials Preparation. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching

(IRAL), 10 (4), 313-331.

- Keck, Casey and Kim, You Jin (2014). Pedagogical Grammar. Philadelphia/Amsterdam:

John Benjamins Publishing Company.

- Tiryakiol, S. (2018). Türkçenin ikinci/yabancı dil olarak öğretiminde pedagojik dilbilgisi

kullanımına yönelik ders modeli önerisi [A lesson model proposal for teaching Turkish as

a second/foreign language based on the pedagogical grammar]. PhD. Dissertation,

Marmara University]. https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/tezSorguSonucYeni.jsp