XXIX International Symposium on Modern Technologies, Education and Professional Practice in Geodesy and Related Fields, İstanbul, Turkey, 5 - 06 November 2019, pp.37
Human populations more than others in coastal areas in the world thanks to economic or other
benefits. So, the scientists are carried out more and more studies such as sea level rise, tidal
analysis, sea populations and etc. in coastal areas.
In this study, we are aimed to investigate main tidal parameters effects on sea level trends in the
Southwestern coasts of Turkey. For this purpose, relative sea level trends and tidal parameters have
been estimated over period 1998-2018 by main tidal frequencies using least squares harmonic
estimation method from 6 tide gauge stations distributed in the southwestern coast of Turkey
opareted by TUDES (Turkish National Sea Level Monitoring System). Satellite altimetry data also
have been used for the determination of absolute sea level. The data have been obtained by AVISO
data archive in period of 1993-2015.
The tidal model belonging to each year between 2004 and 2018 have been analyzed carefully to
compare model of different years and methods. In addition, main tidal parameters M 2 , S 2 , K 1 , O 1 and
standard deviation of tidal parameters have been calculated for each years.
Sea level trend and tidal constituents have been calculated and compared with two method both
tide gauge station and satellite altimetry. For each year, tidal model has been created and
compared previously studies and global model such as FES2004.