Production of High Energy Capacity of Reduced graphene Oxide -Quinoline Zinc Phthalocyanine Nanohybrid Material

Creative Commons License

Balçık M., Keskin B.

8th International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, Gazimagusa, Cyprus (Kktc), 16 - 18 May 2022, pp.61

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Gazimagusa
  • Country: Cyprus (Kktc)
  • Page Numbers: pp.61
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Phthalocyanines (Pcs) are macroheterocyclic compounds consisting of four isoindole units
bonded to each other by nitrogen atoms at meso positions and can be obtained by changing
the central metal ion and peripheral substituents and are used as pigments and have many
applications such as energy conversion, gas sensor and liquid crystal. Quinoline is a
heterocyclic aromatic organic compound that has various pharmacologically active synthetic
and natural compounds of its derivatives are common [1]. The graphene family includes
reduced graphene oxide (rGO), graphene oxide (GO), graphene sheets, and several-layer
graphene members. GO has unique physical and chemical properties [2]. In this project,
graphene oxide were obtained first, starting from graphite. Then, new rGO-metallic quinolinezinc
substituted Pc nanohybrid materials (rGO-KZnPc) have been obtained as a result of the
hydrothermal reduction reaction of GO with the zinc metal quinoline-substituted
phthalocyanines (KZnPc) we have also synthesized [3]. After the necessary characterizations
are made, new anode materials have been prepared and investigated energy density by
electrochemical methods after these materials and other electrode additives were coated on
Ni-foam (NiF) as a substrate (Fig. 1). This study was supported by Scientific Research
Projects Unit of Yildiz Technical University (Proje No: FYL-2022-4873).