Onan C., Erdem S.

ISPEC2021, Siirt, Turkey, 16 - 18 May 2021, pp.271-278

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Siirt
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.271-278
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In factories, especially the heat losses / gains from the doors where the loaded vehicles are entered and exited have an important place in the heating / cooling load. For this reason, a factory building is discussed in this study. First of all, the cooling load calculations of the factory building were made according to ASHRAE Standards. After selecting the air handling unit for cooling, the heat gain in the case of open freight doors was calculated. In case of air curtains in the doors, operating costs decrease due to the decrease in this heat gain. Since one door is large, air flow is provided by using two air curtains side by side. The electric motor powers vary according to the width of the air curtains. With the installation of air curtains in this study, heat gains and losses caused by the doors in the factory can be prevented as a result of a medium-scale investment. Payback period and savings were calculated using the P1-P2 method while performing the economic analysis of the factory. Annual inflation rate and interest rate are taken as 15% and 17% respectively according to Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey data. 3 different cost air curtain devices are used in the factory and there are 3 air curtains in total. It has been observed that the air curtain system in the factory building pays for itself in less than 2 years compared to the conventional system. Considering that the factory may have different working hours, the variation in the payback period in the range of 12-20 hours/day has been examined. With the energy cost calculation method, the methodology of which is given, it is aimed to spread the application of air curtains and to save energy.