Ferrimagnetism and antiferromagnetism in half-metallic Heusler alloys

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Galanakis I., Ozdogan K., Sasioglu E., Aktas B.

PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, vol.205, no.5, pp.1036-1039, 2008 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Half-metallic Heusler alloys are among the most promising materials for future applications in spintronic devices. Although most Heusler alloys are ferromagnets, ferrimagnetic or antiferromagnetic (also called fully-compensated ferrimagnetic) alloys would be more desirable for applications due to the lower stray fields. Ferrimagnetism, can be either found in perfect Heusler compounds or achieved through the creation of defects in ferromagnetic Heusler alloys.