3rd Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Constanta, Romanya, 12 - 14 Eylül 2005, ss.100
Separation of heavy metals from liquid streams has become more and more
important. According to the legislative rcgulations, st has to been applied a
pretreatment method for industrial waste waters containing toxic heavy metals
before their discharging into the canals. '‘Tlte parametric pumping with variation of
PH” as an altemative method to the other ciassical pretreatment methods.lt have
been applying for the separation and rccovery of heavy metals from plating
industry vvaste rinse water. IJnder the ciassical conditions pH is only a weak
parameter for this kind of separation.Hovvever, addition of suitable complexing
agents or using weakly basic anion exclıangers converts pH to a strong parameter.
Application of strongly acidic exchange resins and citric acid allows an effective
elimination of metals forming more stable complexes (copper) from other metals
forming less stable complexes (ııickel). This is dcmonstrated for the different waste
rinse water of metal plating batlı industry. The proposed treatment method has
advantage of a regenerant free ion exchange process which is more different one
than the other ciassical methods have been applied for the removal of heavy metals