On the effect of numerical parameters in finite element through thickness modeling for springback prediction

ŞENER B., Aksen T. A., ESENER E., Firat M.

Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, vol.8, no.4, pp.799-809, 2022 (Scopus) identifier identifier


The usage of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) presents important advantages in the reduction of the car body weight. However, these steels exhibit high springback behavior and causes to several problems in the manufacturing. Therefore, the prediction of the springback for AHSS is an important engineering task. In this study, the effect of numerical parameters in finite element through thickness modelling for springback prediction was investigated. U-draw bending process of transformation-induced plasticity-TWIP980 steel was performed as benchmark study. In the study, both shell and solid elements were taken into account. Number of integration points for shell elements and number of elements along the thickness direction for solid elements were evaluated. As a result, 5 integration points were determined as optimum value for shell elements however similar predictions results were obtained between the shell and solid elements.